Thursday, November 1, 2007


Please indulge me for a few minutes, if you don't mind.

A couple weeks ago I hurt my back. Nothing spectacular, didn't really do anything that was out of the ordinary, but apparently it was enough that it blew out my back. I went to the doc about a week & a half ago, & he sent me for an MRI. Had that a week ago yesterday - results came back Monday. I have 2 herniated discs. Like I said, I don't think I did anything outrageous. But here I am. Today (well, last night really), was a particularly bad day. The pain was worse, & the tingling was going down into both legs. I ended up staying home from work today.

sigh I'm soo frustrated & pissed off. I'm tired of being on pills & shots & going to doctors. I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of feeling this way, & not being able to talk to anyone about it. I just want one day where I wake up & feel normal. But I guess there's no use crying about it. Nothing ever changes.

/end rant


Jerry said...

Mexico anyone???

Nik said...

Only if they allow the handicapped.


Sorry, still feeling pissy.

Jerry said...

They deal with drunk college kids every day. . . handicapped folks would be easy ;)

Jason said...


You reference drunk college kids and handicapped people as though they are entirely separate categories.

Jerry said...

Didn't you ever hear about the mentally challenged kid who won a gold at the Special Olympics?? He said, "I may be mentally challenged but at least I am not a drunk college student." So there =P