Thursday, January 24, 2008

Heath Ledger - a reality check

Ok, so I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here... brace yourselves.

While I agree that Heath Ledger's sudden death is somewhat tragic (so much promise as an actor, a young father, etc), it's NOT THE END OF THE FREAKIN' WORLD PEOPLE! My god, it was the "Breaking News" banner on MSN on Tuesday... like the President or other world leader had perished. This was an actor. Granted, a talented, young actor, but again, NOT earth-shattering news, except to those close to him. I feel bad for his daughter, who most likely will never remember him, except to see him in films. The real tragedy here is that there are young people dying every day, some even younger than Heath, over in Iraq. Do they get the banner headline on MSN? No. Just a sidebar of "15 American servicemen & women died in Iraq today". It's become "old news". But if you happen to be a viewer of This Week on ABC on Sunday mornings, they give a listing of all the young men & women who gave their lives for their country the previous week. It's sad & depressing... & should be given more attention than an accidental overdose on prescription drugs by a wealthy actor.

Ok, done now.

/end rant


Jerry said...

I think this may have been his greatest performance yet. =)

Jason said...

I think Will Ferrell would have been the right choice for this part.