Friday, November 30, 2007

Jeezus H Christ....

Yeah... so I said I would (probably) not be posting any updates on the house, but I had to share the experience of the last 24-odd hours (or rant about it, take your pick).

I get a call from our contractor around 5:30pm CST last evening. He has a very odd tone to his voice, one that I would describe as definitely "tail-between-his-legs" or "hat-in-hand". Apparently the subcontractor that was cutting the hole in our basement wall to make a door to the new basement wasn't informed of the fact that he was to a) seal off the basement area, which was where we have been living for the last month or so, & b) cut the wall out from the outside to try to minimize dust. The result of these two items is that we have a fairly significant film of powder-fine cement dust covering everything in the basement - furniture, carpet, walls, EVERYTHING. Needless to say, I'm a wee bit pissed right now.

So here I am, taking a day off work (that I really don't have), to take care of the situation. On the upside, we have our new appliances. They're sitting in our garage. And the old freezer is gone. So one good thing's happened today.

sigh I SO want this over now....

1 comment:

Mike said...

I feel your pain, I should tell you about the time my wife and I came home and found it to be raining in the kitchen. the days following that episode were a joy for sure.