Thursday, September 27, 2007

Home again Home again jiggity jig

It appears that the little monster inside my head is acting up again. He apparently takes great joy in using power tools to destroy the inner workings of what few brain pockets I have left. I think this morning he was using his jackhammer & some TNT. So I am at home today, trying to figure out how to function with said holes in my brain.

I forget what crap is on during the day - except for soaps. Now, I know a lot of people have issues with them, that they're "stupid" & "rot your brain" leers at Denny, but quite a few "major" actors have started out in soaps. Like Meg Ryan, Ryan Phillipe, Vanessa Marcel to name a few. But they're harmless fun. And I would GLADLY watch them over stupid reality crap any day.

Ok, I'm going to go back to try & stop the little monster from reeking any more havoc. Perhaps I should try & drown him in beer.....


Jason said...

Denny's right.

Keep watching that shit, and the next thing you know you're Jessica Simpson, and you can't tell fish from chicken.

Jerry said...

Ummm, I am pretty sure you meant wreaking. I could be wrong but. . .

Nik said...

You both suck. =)

Jas, I've been watching that "shit" since 8th grade, & I'd like to think of myself as a reasonably intelligent person. Even if I have issues with spelling occasionally. leers menicingly at Jer

Tho I gotta tell ya, if I can get compared to Jessica Simpson more often, my ego would be ok with that. ;-)